The first point of the Nazi program that I find incredibly unfair is:
"9. A thorough reconstruction of our national system of education. The science of citizenship shall be taught from the beginning." This point in the program states that the Nazi's have every right to reconstruct the education program, obviously they will abuse this right, and therefore twist what is taught in their favour, so future generations will know of their "conquer"and be taught of their "supremacy". The Next point of the Nazi program that I find disgustingly unfair is: "10. All newspapers must be published in the German language by German citizens and owners." This point shows that the Nazi's have the ability to use public messages to spread Nazi propaganda, without letting "non-supporters"have a fair, public say. This is completely unjust, because the public, will only be told of the greatness that will happen, but will never know of the horror and truth about what the Nazi's really plan to do.
Knowing the fact that the train had been inhabited by all men, the fact that I would protest against them would immediately get me thrown out, wheres men have more of a fight and the group would stop and think more. However, if I had been a bystander my conscious would probably get the better of me and eventually I would speak out and rescue the poor Jew from verbal insult. But the outcome would be me, dead, under the tracks.
In real life something some what similar has happened to me, with myself as the bystander. The group of people simply insulting a great friend of mine, just assuming that I agree with them. Well they were sure wrong. My quiet mumbles of protest left them thinking I was joking, and set them of laughing even more. The awkwardness knowing that you failed gets you the most.
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