Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eating Our Way To Heaven

"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." 
~Buddha (c. 563 BC to 483 BC)~

    Obesity is a recent problem across many societies. Almost 1 in 3 adults in The United States of America is overweight. Some are educated on how to avoid it and yet choose to ignore the warnings that their bodies are sending them, whilst some are oblivious to the dangers that await them if they continue to follow an unhealthy lifestyle. Healthy Living is a label most people would wish to associate themselves with and like the quote above states, with a healthy body comes a healthy mind. Since 1980 worldwide obesity rates have more than doubled, because of this recent trend more health problems have become a current issue.  However, obesity can almost always be avoided simply by eating the correct portions, healthy food choice, and regular exercise. Obesity is one of the most common dangers in our society, and that's why it is something worth fighting against.

      Obesity can negatively affect people and society in a variety of ways. One obvious negative affect is that it poses as a physical limitation. For example I have one Aunt who also struggles with being overweight. We, as a family, are limited to the activities that we can participate in together. The fact is that obesity physically limits people so that they cannot participate or physically endure some activities without getting seriously injured. Another negative impact that obesity causes is that it is a potentially life threatening condition. It is directly related to other conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke, and diabetes. Following from this, higher obesity rates has resulted in the increase of health care spending. In 2004, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated obesity cost the US economy a total of $122.9 Billion. [1]

Obesity is caused by consuming more calories than the body expends, and therefore the excess calories result in weight gain. Statistics show a direct correlation between obesity and lower income groups. In times of economic decline, lower economic classes are more prone to weight gain due to the fact that fresh food is becoming increasingly expensive to produce. Thus, the inevitable turn to chemical and preservative saturated processed foods. Companies are manufacturing their foods cheaper to get those who appeal more to 'bargain buyers'. In addition to this, food suppliers have made fast food more convenient which appeals to busy individuals whom have little time to cook. Another reason for obesity is the lack of physical activity. Many people chose not to exercise, and prefer to spend their leisure time on the computer or watching TV. 

      Someone who was obese but ultimately overcame it, is Rosalie Bradford; formerly known as 'The World's Heaviest Woman'. Whilst suffering from depression, she turned to food as a friend. This was one of many mistakes she made. At age 15 her weight escalated to a whopping 140Kg, and later reached her peak weight of 544 Kg. Bed ridden and near death, she was inspired by celebrity Richard Simmons, and managed to 'clap-along' to an exercise video. Clapping was the only movement she was able to do. Through dieting and vigorous clapping (she gradually moved past her 'clapping stage' and achieved movement with her whole body), Rosalie lost over 416Kg. She is a true inspiration of how people can fight and overcome their biggest challenge; themselves. 

       Obesity can by caused by a variety of reasons, but in most cases it is a lifestyle choice. With adequate food, and regular exercise, a healthy weight can usually be maintained. For those people who are suffering from obesity, it is up to them to motivate and discipline themselves in order to achieve a healthy weight. To be able to lead a longer and healthier life, in the company of your friends and family, surely that is something worth fighting for. 

[1] Obesity in

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Lady With The Lamp.


     One woman alone has saved many lives, even with the whole of society against her. Her ability to stand for her moral beliefs is a rare, but valuable gift.  This magnificent woman was none other than Florence Nightingale. She was a visionary, with determination and strong ambition. She was not afraid to fight for what she believed in. Commonly referred to as ‘the lady with the lamp’, Florence Nightingale was born into a wealthy family in Florence, Italy, in 1820. In that era, most woman were merely seen as house wives, with little say and/ or opinion. But Florence thought differently, and was going to change this demanding stereotype.

Florence always aspired to be in charge of her own future. Her inspiration came from a direct message from God which resulted in her ambition to become a nurse. However, both her parents were outraged by this, claiming that “Nursing was associated with working class woman” [1]. During this era, the social norm would be for women to marry at a young age. To decline multiple offers from eligible men was a truly rebellious act. She did this, convinced that “marriage would only interfere with her ability to follow her calling to nursing” [2]. Despite all the opposition from her family, Florence embarked in her career as a nurse.

Florence faced many struggles, and one of them was gender discrimination. Most men were under the common misconception that only men were capable enough for the medical field. They also were against the fact that she was a woman, and that she wanted to pursue a career in the medical field. At that point in time, being a nurse implied that you would only serve as a janitor for the hospitals. Nurses were not involved in any medical help. Most doctors claimed that being involved in medical work was “not a woman's business”. Upon hearing this, Florence persevered and sought the aid of a befriended journalist from the Times newspaper, and publicly appealed for the condoning of female doctors and nurses. She did this by showing them pictures showing the lack of staff at the hospitals during the Crimean War. Florence was a dedicated doctor, who wished the best for her patients. The allowing of female nurses and doctors would enable British patients to receive the substantial medical attention that they required, as most hospitals were under-staffed. After Florence had publicly appealed to her cause, the hospitals were almost forced due to public outcry, to enable women to serve in the medical field. Her proposition also resulted in a promotion for all nurses. Nurses would now serve as active assistants for doctors, rather than mere janitors to clean up after, and as a result they played a more significant role in society. Her demand for gender equality was a success. This proved Florence to be a force to be reckoned with, as well as a resolute, and committed doctor.

Another significant act that Florence did was the modernization of hospitals. Back in the 1800's, men would come back from war and their wounds were attended to in the most ghastly of conditions. Adequate food was not given, and their wounds were unwashed, and still encrusted with remains of dried blood and dirt. Hygiene standards were abysmal, if not non-existent. Aghast by these poor conditions, Florence fought for the lives of the injured patients who were easily exposed to life-threatening diseases such as as typhus, cholera, and dysentery. This caused an epidemic to spread among many of the hospitals, and accounted for many of the deaths. After many months of extra hours of labour, Florence earned enough to finally be able to finance the medical treatment her patients required. Her funds provided for adequate nutrition, as well as basic hygienic conditions. As an immediate effect of this, death rates were drastically reduced by 40%. Following from this, hospitals conditions have improved across Europe ever since.

Florence Nightingale’s ability to fight for what she believed in is something that we should all admire. Whether it be gender discrimination, or personal ambition, Florence had fought time and time again, and is a true role model whom we should all be inspired by. Many lives were saved in her name, and her changes in the hospital directly influenced the lives of many patients. Her passion for progress and improvement should be something that we should try to incorporate into our own lives to help change the world like Florence did.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I will eat what I like.

     I Will Eat What I Like.

~ “The struggle against intolerance is a duty of the individual as well as an obligation of the society.” ~Dr. Erhard Busek, M.P., Austria.

The prohibition of pork in International schools in Malaysia, specifically ISKL included, is unfair, unreasonable and unjustifiable. With a broad variety of religion, race, and ethnicity of pupils, why does the school cater to a small minority of students, and prohibit the selling of pork? Although much of the distribution of pork is restricted due to government actions, the school itself regulates the rules that are enforced. It is senseless that such a rule is enforced, especially in an environment that promotes tolerance between students.

Although pork being sold in schools is only but a small division of social inequality that is circulated in schools, I believe that it is something that is worth fighting for. If this small obstacle is overcome, more will follow, creating a snowball effect. There are almost an equal, if not larger, amount of Hindu students in ISKL that do not consume beef. Yet, there are still stalls distributing beef as an option for daily meals. There are other options to chose from, even vegetarian alternatives. Then why can't the school sell 'non-halal' meat? By condoning a 'pork-free' environment the school is assuming that our fellow Muslim students are intolerant of non-halal food. More often than not, in my personal experience, this has not been the case. A solution to this would be to allow the distribution of pork, but also have other meats as an alternative for Muslim students. May you be Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Vegan or Vegetarian, to each their own belief. It should not affect the choice of others.

         Why should I, or any other student, be deprived of having a tasty pork bacon sandwich every once and a while? The restriction of pork in school is worth fighting against because it prevents us, as students, from obtaining our wants. After all we are in a school that strives for tolerance and equality, are we not? ISKL should be a place where social tolerance should be taught, so that better habits can be developed. School is one of the only places that can be controlled in a way that everyone is involved, unlike the political situation in Israel where tolerance is not preached; we can influence and preach tolerance across campus- starting with the serving of pork.

The school needs to find a balance between the issues at hand, and make a compromise. Sacrifice the needs and wants of students, whom are otherwise unaffected by Governmental actions; or go against governmental wishes and promote equality and tolerance between religions?
In conclusion to this controversial debate, I still believe that cultural tolerances should be encouraged in ISKL, starting with the distribution of pork in school. Everyone should be able to enjoy their own personal favourites; no culinary boundaries should be enforced. Religious beliefs of others should not be the driving force that prevents the choices that you yourself make.

~ “The consumption of pork meat is beneficial to both one’s well-being and happiness, but also the economy of the meat market. Pork may or may not contain chemical properties that immediately uplift one’s mood and lead then through life with the guarantee of success and wealth”.  ~Ms. Cui-Lyn Huang, noted photographer, and owner of bacon strips shirt.

-Citation: Quote 2 from 1st hand source.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

~Speak Your Mind~

Society disguises the fact that our generation believes strongly to speak with determination,
I challenge you to say what you believe,
but not with tragic uncertainty,
I declare that we should question authority to oppose the ‘so-called’ wisdom of others.
You are not invisible.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Barrier That Stood.

Hundreds of thousands of eager eyes awaited the very moment that could change their lives together. Some not even realizing how different life would be without the barrier, as they have been born into the imprisonment that is East Germany. The districts East and West Berlin will be united once more. Communists will not dictate the people's freedom anymore.
The borders were built over night, on October 15, 1961. The Berlin wall separated many families and friends. Its purpose was to divide the city permanently into East and West Germany. The point of this was to isolate the communist section, East Germany, from ever entering West Germany, the Capitalist side. This decision affected families and friends throughout the country, trapping them like hamsters in a cage, unable to escape without being killed. I believe that it is the people’s right to have the freedom to leave, and that obtaining freedom, and going against the opinion of their superiors is worth fighting for. “ I was reminded of an old military saying that was instilled and repeated so many times that it is etched on my mind. It states "Freedom is worth fighting and dying for." (Rick B.) This quote is taken from a soldier that witnessed the horrors of the slaughter of any man trying to escape East Germany. Though he himself was not German, he observed so many struggle to climb over the wall in an attempt at freedom. Even with over 30 armed guards, ready at the posts, ready to shoot, the man tried to escape because he wanted to have a chance for his freedom.

        Another man that lived hopeless and discouraged in East Berlin was Victor Broman. ‘Germany stands divided into two sides, neither is good but in the interest of my personal freedom I must side with the West.’ His desperation for freedom was apparent in this quote. Victor must betray, and leave his homeland in hope for a better life. One without barriers in the way of loved ones. One without all hope lost. One without the rationing of food. This kind of choice is brutal, but necessary. However, with the destruction of the wall, Victor, and many others, rushed in a flurry to reunite with lost ones, and escape the poverty surrounding them. The only thing keeping them from trying to escape, which always ended up as a suicide mission, was the little hope they had of the barrier being torn down for once and for all.

        Freedom is what so many died for, and what so many struggled for. The Berlin wall operated as a border that no one could pass. Forever trapped were the people of East Berlin. That is, until 1961. The freedom gained is unimaginable, and it brought East and West Germany, to unite as a country once more. No longer setting neighbors against each other, and just spreading peace across the land.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A New World, free from pollution.

“The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all.” 

This quote was said by General Eisenhower whom believed that we must conserve and start sustainable practices or else our world will become as described in the book 'The Knife of Never Letting Go', “Old World was polluted and crowded and dying from its own poisons”.  Sustainable living means to live a life that balances an individual’s, or community’s  use of natural resources, such that these resources are still available in the future for an infinite amount of generations to come. Although the idealism of having a utopia is impossible, I believe a key characteristic that would lead to being one step closer in the hope of eventually having a 'perfect world' would be having a sustainable way of living and to value the natural resources around us. This is key to our survival as our current world is filled with pollution and the constant abuse of our habitat. Because of this many problems have risen that we need to fix.
If I were given the opportunity to start a ‘New World’ one characteristic that I would most value is sustainable practices. Sustainable practices are crucial for a lasting way of life. At the moment, our planet earth is dying. Our human race is constantly destroying the natural habitat around us to create new and modern developments that will probably be replaced again in another few decades. Because of this new trend of construction, many animals have faced extinction due to the fact that their niche environment has been destroyed. Over one and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries. Because of this, the land is more likely to flood as the trees that were once there can no longer absorb the heavy falls of water, the rain water has to go somewhere.  Many problems like this can be resolved just due to sustainable living.
Furthermore, sustainable practices are key to healthy people. In Australia, due to the thick waves of pollution from Asia, the ozone layer has become so thin from the high CO2 count that a hole has opened up. This exposes people to a higher concentration to UV rays, which in turns gives a higher risk of skin cancer.  Scientists have been seeking for a cure and the closest they have come to a cure is home remedies from the jungle. But because of commercial logging, these sources are becoming rarer, and have now become unavailable as a source to treat patients. This is all due to the lack of respect to our natural resources.
Without sustainable practices, and valuing our natural resources, the New world will be similar to ours in the sense that in a few hundred years wild animals and frozen glaciers will only be seen in books, impossible to ever see in real life. When I said before: “The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all.” It means, we must all come together to make a difference, and to stop the harm that we are doing to our Earth. Finally I have one more solution, we can add one more law to the constitution; that law should be, that we will stay free, from the dirty, dusty, air pollution.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hunger Games Assesment

For the hunger games assesment my partner, Cindy, and I had chosen to do 5 contributions to put for display. We both did two each, and helped each other on the last. Even though we are both strong writers, Cindy wrote a diary entry in Gale's point of view, and also a newspaper article about the Hunger Games. She also helped with the reasearch on the symbol- A mockingjay. I on the other hand, created two portraits, one on Rue, and the other on Gale. We have reviewed each others work, and have corrected it to the liking of us both.
I have really enjoyed this project, and I hope we can do some more similar ones in the future.